home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Wednesday, December 6, 2017 - Page 22 of 54 - << previous page : next page >>
An extra sign to guide guests there.
An extra sign to guide guests there. Click to switch to large image view
Nearly 40 minutes since the last picture to reach Disney's Hollywood Studios.  The park to park buses were extremely inefficient (others in my group went to Epcot and there was was even a longer wait).  I really miss the Express Transportation option, that spoiled me last trip.
Nearly 40 minutes since the last picture to reach Disney's Hollywood Studios. The park to park buses were extremely inefficient (others in my group went to Epcot and there was was even a longer wait). I really miss the Express Transportation option, that spoiled me last trip. Click to switch to large image view
The future site of the Disney Skyliner station for the Studios.
The future site of the Disney Skyliner station for the Studios. Click to switch to large image view
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